Mental Wellness Blog & News

Cultivating Inner Calmness: A Journey to Mental Wellness

Cultivating Inner Calmness: A Journey to Mental Wellness

Inner silence and inner calmness are deeply interconnected states of being who we are as human beings in our core essence. Your True Self is silent and calm. That is the simple truth we have conveniently forgotten. As it is nearing Christmas let's dive deeper into rediscovering your inner calmness and inner silence. Keeping inner silence offers a wealth of benefits for mind health and...
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Embracing Mental Wellness: Breaking Free from Unhealthy Patterns

Embracing Mental Wellness: Breaking Free from Unhealthy Patterns

Most of us often stick to unhealthy patterns or pleasant dead-end habits that no longer serve us. Let's observe how to remove those and take your self-development to a new level. Amid our hectic daily lives, it's elementary to fall into the trap of unhealthy patterns that can take a considerable toll on our mental well-being. The notion that you must hit rock bottom before properly a...
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Building stronger relationships through self-learership

Building stronger relationships through self-learership

Today – more than ever – your ability to self-manage is one of the most important skill sets that you need. Every employer should support, therefore, the learning of practical intrapersonal skills. Life is full of setbacks and rejections. Dealing with setbacks and rejections is tough, but it’s a necessary skill to acquire if you want to be successful and thrive. Onl...
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How to break free from self-imposed limiting beliefs?

How to break free from self-imposed limiting beliefs?

Believing always equals not knowing. It's a simple yet profound concept. Think with it. When you as a person know something, there's no need for you to believe it. Practical knowledge is grounded in facts, empirical experience, and sound evidence, while belief always springs from the realm of uncertainty and lack of experience. When you know how to drive a car, you don't ...
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Boost mental wellness by managing stress and anxiety at work

Boost mental wellness by managing stress and anxiety at work

In today's fast-paced world, worry stress and anxiety have become all too common. While positive stress or eustress is ordinarily seen in our society as beneficial in moderate amounts, excessive eustress levels lead to burnout more often than negative stress. When stress becomes chronic it always has det...
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Fostering Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

Fostering Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

In the realm of workplace culture, October has assumed a new significance beyond its colorful autumnal charm. Every year people around the globe celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10 October and in several countries, this autumn month has become synonymous with Mental Health Month. Optimistically, we do hope it is now finally time when business leaders and HR managers notice the importance of...
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Preventing Burnout – The Allure of Proactive Wellbeing

Preventing Burnout – The Allure of Proactive Wellbeing

Burnout represents an inner condition that emerges when you become profoundly disconnected from your True Self and experience longer exposure to stress.  World Health Organization (WHO) defines burnout as an occupational phenomenon: “Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed." Burnout is characteriz...
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The role of a leader in securing mental wellness at work

The role of a leader in securing mental wellness at work

Leaders and HR professionals have a pivotal role in shaping work environments to enhance their teams' mental wellness. Recently several reports have highlighted their significant impact on employee mental wellness. Whether in-person, hybrid, or remote settings, you as a leader profoundly influence how workplace mental health is experienced. Is your approach here reactive or proactiv...
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Elevating mental wellness through systematic proactive approach

Elevating mental wellness through systematic proactive approach

Prevention is frequently regarded as something that allows the detection of health problems in the early stages when they are often more easily treatable and effectively controllable. However, this is already a late phase of prevention. Early prevention is proactive and in the case of mental health, it helps maintain people's mental wellness, thereby improving the overall quality of life. ...
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Upgrading intrapersonal skills in the face of rising AI and automation

Upgrading intrapersonal skills in the face of rising AI and automation

The perceived threat that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automated process’ are set to put millions of employees out of work has people falsely believing that in order for them to succeed they themselves need to become more machine-like. We feel we somehow need to be able to think quicker and multitask more, take fewer breaks and downtime, be constantly on, and never tire. Is this a rea...
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The value of inner silence and how to benefit from a calm mind

The value of inner silence and how to benefit from a calm mind

Summer is here and we all need some silent quality time. In a noisy world, silence has become a rarity. Both around us and within us. Let us observe why it matters and how to have more inner silence and benefit from the state of flow. In conversations volume is often equated with power, thus opinions are frequently amplified in meetings. However, there is a compelling argument for embracing sil...
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The health of mind represents the foundation of success and well-being

The health of mind represents the foundation of success and well-being

Securing the health of mind represents an essential aspect of your overall well-being. The key to being healthy in mind comes down to understanding awareness and using self-observation. Observing your inner domain demands taking time to notice your thought patterns. Negative patterns lead to negative emotions and outcomes. Positive ones are better, but change nothing until you start acting acco...
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Five practical steps for maintaining positive mental health

Five practical steps for maintaining positive mental health

Taking a proactive approach to emotional wellness is far better than a reactive approach. After all, it's easier to maintain positive mental health than it is to repair mental health problems once they’ve set in. Until people lack practical intrapersonal skills and train their mental wellness systematically it is difficult to prevent mental health issues. However, some easy-to-apply b...
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Enhancing leader and employee mental wellness is crucial for organizational success

Enhancing leader and employee mental wellness is crucial for organizational success

Only leaders who have excellent self-leadership inspire others to thrive. Fostering the mental wellness of both leaders and employees proactively is of utmost importance, especially in today's challenging times. Regrettably, senior leaders and entrepreneurs often overlook the well-being of mid-level leaders and HR professionals, expecting them to create a positive employee experience on the...
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Managing Anxiety at Work: 7 strategies for dealing with anxiety

Managing Anxiety at Work: 7 strategies for dealing with anxiety

Anxiety and anxiety disorders are terms used to describe a range of mental health conditions that are characterized by excessive restlessness, worry or nervousness and empowered by fear. Focusing on anxiety for this year's Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK is aimed at increasing people's awareness and understanding of anxiety and providing information on preventing anxiety. Why ...
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