Why Regular Training Matters for Mental Wellbeing?

Why Regular Training Matters for Mental Wellbeing?Activty in nature improves mental wellness

It is again Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, and this year's theme is all about "Movement: moving for our mental health." Research increasingly shows that physical activity can be a powerful tool for boosting our mental and emotional well-being. But is it enough?

First off, all pleasant physical activity triggers the release of endorphins.

Endorphins (contracted from endogenous morphine) are hormones produced to help relieve pain and reduce stress when your body feels pain or stress. You can look at them as natural mood-lifters that are produced in your brain and act as messengers in your body.

What does the release of endorphins cause?

Experiencing the release of endorphins can be felt as a mental escape, giving you a chance to clear your head and leave worries behind. Endorphins can be boosted by physical exercise but also by eating, making love, obtaining a massage and many other ways.

Secondly, you need good sleep to keep going and regular exercise significantly improves your sleep quality.

When you are engaged in intensive training of physical work it helps you nod off faster and enjoy deeper rest during the night. You have probably experienced it yourself – a good night's sleep supports your mental clarity and overall well-being.

Thirdly, sticking to a regular workout routine can improve your self-esteem. As you keep at it, you'll likely notice a positive shift in how you view yourself in your physical body. When you notice the improvements those in turn will boost your self-confidence.

Training as a Tool for Mental Clarity and Strength

While you train your body, remember also to train your mind. Just like your body is trainable, so is your brain.

The future belongs to those who learn and use intrapersonal skills with ease and combine professional and intrapersonal skills in creative ways. And the process of learning skills, no matter how digital our society becomes, remains the same.

Our brains and physical bodies are a winning team! For example, using our hands to build and fix things isn't just useful, it actually helps our brains grow stronger. Working with our hands and body helps us learn to focus our attention and thoughts as we have feedback and can learn from experience. All skills are experience-based.

We need skills to monitor our physical body as well as our inner processes. Otherwise, it is easy to get stressed and burn out. So physical strength alone isn't enough, you also need mental strength.

Amy Morin explains it well in her book '13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success': "Developing mental strength isn’t about having to be the best at everything. It also isn’t about earning the most money or achieving the biggest accomplishments. Instead, developing mental strength means knowing that you’ll be okay no matter what happens. Whether you’re facing serious personal problems, a financial crisis, or a family tragedy, you’ll be best prepared for whatever circumstances you encounter when you’re mentally strong. Not only will you be ready to deal with the realities of life, but you’ll be able to live according to your values no matter what life throws your way."

Mental clarity makes you see what other miss. Mental strength combined with physical fitness allows you to work well and have excellent health.

Boost your self-confidenceis and mental clarity by taking time off

With physical activities, you need to start with shorter workouts and gradually ramp up the intensity.

Finding some activity you enjoy makes it easier to stick with it until you see results. It isn't just about pumping iron in the gym, skiing or taking a bicycle ride in the wild forest can also be uplifting. Taking longer and intensive walks with rest breaks in nature can allow intensity combined with calm restoring moments.

Nature is also good for mental wellness. In the 2019 study, a team led by Mathew White of the European Centre for Environment & Human Health at the University of Exeter discovered that individuals who spent at least two hours per each week in natural green spaces were significantly more inclined to report good health and psychological well-being compared to those who did not.

This two-hour mark in nature was found to be more crucial than whether it was spent there all at once or spread out over multiple visits.

The study also indicated that individuals who did not meet this 120-minute threshold did not experience those benefits. So it is about enough exposure to allow your brain to relax and your mind to become more conscious and your physical body to be grounded.

Notice the nature, notice how it calms you!

Running fast through life and nature is wearing out our bodies and brains. While jogging can give you good sleep, jogging with headphones on and without being present keeps you disconnected from nature.

A smart person is one with a fit brain. When your mind is well, you are always interested in keeping your body fit and well. If physical health alone would keep your mental wellness great no athlete would experience stress, anxiety, burnout or more serious mental health issues. But they do!

So it is about harmony and a holistic approach. A holistic mental wellness approach allows you to have a holistic life. Physical exercise is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to mental well-being.

And you can always make subtle changes like walking or taking a bicycle ride to work or having more walking meetings with your colleagues or customers outside. It doesn't replace physical training but allows more movement. A nearby park might also be a more relaxing place for feedback than a meeting room without windows.

A fit mind thrives everywhere but it isn't for granted. Having excellent mental wellness is a result of training your intrapersonal skills and then converting those skills into human relations and a health-supporting framework.


Remember to train your mind regularly and monitor yourself and your wellbeing on all levels.

A fit mind monitors your work, relations as well as your diet. It also prioritizes quality sleep and finds enough time for physical activities and relaxation techniques. That is why all Wellness Orbit e-trainings come with easy-to-use self-evaluation tests and relaxing training videos. Our mission is to empower you to be well.

So why wait?

Start investing in your mental wellness today by training your mind and your physical health through regular movement and other nurturing practices. Your future self will thank you for it.

Ask for a mental wellness training offer NOW!

Stress and burnout reduction trainingProactive mental wellness trainingProductivity and mental wellness training

This blog post is written by Kaur Lass